“Baahubali 2,” the sequel to “Baahubali” has been gearing up for the release at a quick pace. The team had been releasing the posters of the film, one by one and surprises the audiences. Meanwhile, a promotional event will be held in Mumbai on 16th March 2017. The team will launch the trailer during the promotional event. It is heard that they had planned for a grand audio launch on 28th April in Hyderabad. Earlier, it was announced that the film would be released on 28th April 2017. On seeing the arrangements relating to the promotions and the audio launch, it is rumored that the film might be released with a slight delay. Baahubali features “Prabhas,” Anushka Shetty, Tamannaah Bhatia, Ramya Krishnan, Rana Daggubati, “Sathyaraj” and “Nassar.”