Vijay TV is popular not only for the Bigg Boss Show but for the series, Saravanan Meenatchi too. Saravanan Meenatchi serial has Senthil Kumari in a mother role. In her latest interview, Senthil Kumari stated that she has a lot of interest to play in both the TV Serials and the silver screen movies. At present, the actress has been playing in “
” with Thalapathi “Vijay,”
Nithya Menen
, SJ Surya,
Samantha Ruth Prabhu
Kajal Aggarwal
, “
” and
Kovai Sarala
. Besides this film, Senthil Kumari has also played in
Server Sundaram
with “
” and
Vaibhavi Shandilya
. Senthil Kumari says that she gets a lot of offers in both the serials and films. She has also committed doing a film titled Madurai Veeran with
Shanmuga Pandian
, the younger son of “