,” the director, who brought unique scripts like Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu, Naan Mahan Alla and Nenjil Thunivirundhal, has come up with three films for this year. Suseenthiran, who is popular for his outspoken nature has written a letter to the audiences. Here it is: “Today is my birthday. As it is Holy Saturday, I will be celebrating my birthday, tomorrow. So far, I have neither borrowed nor lent money for the films. I witnessed some realities, after the death of Ashokkumar. I haven’t been affected by the pressures given by the financiers, so far. I am not proud of it. But, I could say that I am bold enough to make films with newcomers. In a decade old career, especially in 2017, I have introduced five new actors and producers. My films “Angelina” and “
” have been wrapped up and my next movie, “
,” which is based on football will start, after the strike ends. I trust the movie lovers would continue their support to my films.”