,” the pan – India actress is stepping in the 50th year of her cinema career. She has been expecting the release of her upcoming film, “
.” Besides Hindi, the film will be released in Tamil and Telugu. At the promotional event of Mom, Sridevi stated that she couldn’t commit in “Baahubali” as Shivagami Devi due to some personal reasons. She also stated that the past is past and it is unnecessary to speak about it. But, the real reason is the remuneration issue. When the Baahubali team approached her with the weighty role, the actress demanded Rs. 8 Crore as remuneration exclusive of flight tickets, boarding and lodging, not only for her but her helpers too. That is why the team booked
Ramya Krishnan
and she scored the top. Many people openly commented that none would have suited the role except Ramya. Sridevi’s structure might not have suited the majestic Shivagami Devi, the RajaMadha.