“Singam 3,” the film directed by “Hari” is the third franchise of “Singam” series. The film has Suriya Sivakumar, Anushka Shetty, Shruti Haasan and Radha Ravi in the lead roles. The cop action entertainer was all set for the release on 26th January 2017. Now, the film has been postponed for the third time and will be releasing on 3rd February. Besides the main cast, the film will have Radhika Sarathkumar, “Krish,” Nithin Sathya, Thakur Anoop Singh, Robo Shankar, “Soori,” Neetu Chandra, “Chaams” and Sharat Saxena. Studio Green and Pen Movies produced the film and Harris Jayaraj composed the music. Stay glued with us for the latest updates on Kollywood!