“Rajesh,” the director who is popular for his comedy flicks like Oru Kal Oru Kannadi and Boss Engira Baskaran has been scripting a film for
Venkat Prabhu
. This is the first time Venkat Prabhu will be directing a movie with other’s script. Recently, Venkat Prabhu announced this at the press meet and the introduction event of “Chennai 28 II Innings.” At the event producer “T. Siva” said, "I am happy to produce this project for which Venkat Prabhu designs the screenplay and direction and Rajesh, the popular director of comedy genre works out the story and script. I have already associated with Venkat Prabhu in Saroja and have been working with Rajesh in Kadavul Irukkan Kumaru. Both the films have strengthened my trust in them." We hope the film would be a complete comedy entertainer with all sorts of entertainment elements.