“Oviya” turned popular after the super hit show, Bigg Boss. All the credit goes to Vijay TV and its perfectly planned promos and the scripts. Oviya left the Bigg Boss last week, due to the mental stress. After leaving the Bigg Boss house, Oviya will be joining the sets of Silukkuvarpatti Singam, a film by Vishnu Vishal. Regina Cassandra plays the heroine and Oviya will be seen in the special role. Oviya signed the film, even before landing the Bigg Boss. As the film has Oviya, it created huge expectation. At present, the Bigg Boss house has eight contestants; Gayathri Raguram, Bindu Madhavi, Raiza Wilson, “Aarav,” Shakthi Vasudevan, Ganesh Venkatraman, “Vaiyapuri” and “Snehan.”