“Nayantara,” the talented actress has been in talks with the few filmmakers in Tamil and Telugu for some projects. She has more than five films on her hand for the release. At present, the actress has been working with “
Amitabh Bachchan
Vijay Sethupathi
and “
” in the trilingual film, Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. For the first time, Amitabh plays in a Telugu film. It is the first film for Vijay Sethupathi in Telugu and it is the first film for Nayantara with Chiranjeevi. Besides this, Nayantara has been waiting for the release of Imaikka Nodigal, Kolamavu Kokila and Kolayuthir Kaalam. After the film industry strike ends, she will join
Ajith Kumar
in “
.” The latest news is that Nayantara has a dream job to do. Yes, it is nothing but farming. Following the stars Kishore Jayaram,
Viji Chandrasekhar
Prakash Raj
, Nayan will be seen as a farmer, soon.