“Mersal” is the upcoming film of Thalapathi “Vijay.” Directed by Atlee Kumar, Mersal has Nithya Menen, Kajal Aggarwal, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, “S J Surya,” “Vadivelu,” Kovai Sarala, Misha Ghoshal, “Sathyan” and Yogi Babu in the star cast. This is Atlee’s second film with Vijay. Mersal has the music composition of “A R Rahman.” The first single track of Mersal will be released on 10th August, tomorrow. Sri Thenandal Films announced it and released the single track poster on Twitter. Mersal is very special to Thenandal Films, as it is the 100th project for the production company. The single track, Aalaporaan Tamizhan has created a new expectation on the music track. Let us wait and watch how Rahman had made his fans dance to his tunes!