,” the versatile actor has been working in Kollywood, Bollywood and now in a Hollywood film. The film The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir had been shot in various places including Mumbai. Now, the shooting is wrapped up and Dhanush informed this through his Twitter. With yesterday’s shoot, Dhanush’s part has been completely wrapped up and Dhanush is all set to return home. He tweeted, “And it's a wrap. The journey of the fakir ends. Extraordinary indeed. My love and thanks 2 my entire crew. Will miss u all. Next stop #home.” Dhanush will be next seen in “Velaiilla Pattadhari 2,” the sequel to the “
” directorial venture Velaiilla Pattadhari. VIP 2 directed by
Soundarya Rajinikanth
will hit the screens on 28th July on Dhanush’s birthday.