“Seizer,” the film scripted, directed and co-produced by Vinay Krishna, the debutant has Chiranjeevi Sarja, Parul Yadav, “V. Ravichandran,” Prakash Raj, “Nagineedu,” Sadhu Kokila, Ravi Prakash, Ramesh Bhat and “Avinash” in the cast. Chandan Shetty composed the music. Rajesh Kata and Anji are the cinematographers. The film is produced by Trivikram Sapalya. When the people expected much from Chiru, he has given a regular commercial potboiler. However, Chiru Sarja had played a decent role and impressed the fans. Parul has nothing big to do. Although the script is good, the screenplay is not. Chiru fans will have the best time, as their matinee idol comes with a bunch of commercial items. The mass elements are really a treat for Chiru fans.