This year will reveal a Farmer friendly Dusshera flower show in Sandalwood. The Kannada film actors are said to support the farmers by accrediting their contribution and congratulating the achievers in the horticulture sector.
The best horticulture farmers will be cropped out and they will be honored for their hard work. They will be placed prominently in front of others and stamped as the
Role Models
The Farmer friendly show will be for 8 days and each day, 4 farmers will be honored. Kannada film stars will be visiting the flower show daily, to honor the farmers and encourage their achievement.
Actors Diganth, Neenasam Satish,
Sri Murali
, Chandan, Parvathi Iyer and singer
Chandan Shetty
are the few celebrity people, who will visit the show daily.