When the popular Malayalam actress, who has played in all the southern film industries, was abducted and sexually harassed, she got the guts to complain about it to the police. After in-depth inquiry, the cops arrested the Malayalam actor “
” and put him behind bars. After a few months jail term, he has come out on conditional bail and has been doing movies. When he is an accused, the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) reinstated Dileep with it. This made some artists in the association resign their posts, including the assault survivor. This incident not only affected the Malayalam film industry but the Kannada industry too. Nearly 50 members from the Kannada Film Industry and Film Industry For Rights And Equality signed a letter to AMMA stating not to reinstate Dileep, till the charges on him are cleared. They also said that everyone in the film industry should be provided with a safe work environment and support.
Shraddha Srinath
Prakash Raj
Rakshit Shetty
Meghna Raj
Sruthi Hariharan
are among the people who signed in favor of the actress.