“Ishtamkya” is among the most anticipated Kannada movies in 2016. After four years, Nagathihalli Chandrashekar is back to form with Ishtamkya. Chandrasekhar, who is popular for his commercial hits, had also won the National and State Awards for his incredible creations. Ishatamkya deals with the triangular love story. Although it is a normal genre, when it comes to Chandrasekhar’s hand it gets a different form. The film not only explores the love but the life too. The movie starts with an accident. The doctor, who causes the accident, takes care of the injured girl. Later he offers her a job in his hospital. It can be easily predicted that both of them fall in love. But, the doctor is already married. But, why did he hide the truth? Nagathihalli has weaved the story well.
Vijay Suriya
has done his job well. Ishtamkya is a good debut for him on the silver screen.
Rangayana Raghu
Kavya Shetty
, “
,” and “
” has rendered good performance. Ajaneesh Lokanath composed the tunes and Ravi Kumar Sana’s camera just played well. Ishtamkya is a stimulating as well as entertaining film.