Beautiful Manasugalu is the upcoming film produced by Prasanna, who bankrolled Neer Dose. Neer Dose will complete its half century on 20th October. So, Prasanna decided to launch his next production venture’s audio and teaser on the same day. The film directed by "Jayathirtha" has
Sathish Ninasam
as the hero.
Sruthi Hariharan
plays the leading lady. This duo had already shared the screen space together in “
” directed by
Pawan Kumar
. Besides Sruthi and Sathish, Beautiful Manasugalu has
Tabla Nani
Achyuth Kumar
in crucial roles. Beautiful Manasugalu is based on a real-life incident. It has been designed as a social, emotional and sensational thriller with romance icing. The shooting has been wrapped up and the post-production work is going on at a brisk pace. The film will be released in November end or December. BJ Bharath composed the music and
Kiran Hampapura
cranked the camera. Stay glued with us for the latest updates!