Kapil Sharma Tweet To Modi
Kapil Making Fun Of Pregnant Women In Comedy Nights With Kapil
Kapil Sharma Similitude Nurses In Short Dresses
Comedy Nights With Kapil Wind Up Telecast On Colors
When Kapil All Of A Sudden Walked Out Of Celebrity Cricket League
Kapil Tax Woes
When Kapil Refused To Promote Sunil Grover Coffee With D
When Kapil Said Chandan Prabhakar That You Are My Friend That’s Why You Are In My Show
When Kapil Abused Sunil Grover For The Second Time
A well said quote had been wreathed for all those who anabasis is creeping and deteriorate without a hitch. In layman terms success ladder is a game of dice where a six can either provide you ladder to climb orsnake to fall.
Kapil Sharma
Kapil Sharma was born in a small town of Amritsa >> Read More...
a standup comedian career sparked the lights for the first time when he won
Laughter Challenge
The Great Indian Laughter Challenge is a standup c >> Read More...
and four times the winner of comedy circus. From Laughter Challenge to The Kapil Sharma Show, we all know as a commoner he too had his impenetrable story. In the recent hot topic, a flame of fire has been aroused between
Sunil Grover
Sunil Grover is a stand-up comedian and a talented >> Read More...
and Kapil Sharma who cannot be cured even with heaps of water. Kapil had been found misbehaving with Sunil Grover and
Chandan Prabhakar
Chandan Prabhakar is a well-known stand-up comedia >>
reported by flight crew members and some of the passengers. It is not the finish line. Kapil arrogance crossed all the lines of decency when it was published in media that he made
Vidya Balan
Vidya Balan is an award winning Bollywood actress >> Read More...
one of the iconic actresses known for her female centric roles to wait for 6 hours with her team during the promotion of
Begum Jaan
Click to look into! >>
. Since Vidya charming and cool nature didn’t allow her to step back as she never want to lose any chance to promote her film. Has it been another actor, kapil would have been sued. Kapil fame has cracked into his mind as he forget that if he can taste the sweetness of a lime, he can very well taste the bitterness of the same. Sugar and salt never dissolve. Kapil failed to learn that if his show is a huge success, it is possible with a well-trained team. If team is not your backbone, you will break into pieces. Well this is not the first time, kapil disappointed us. Kapil many of the acts and tweets dragged him into trouble and here are the ten acts of kapil which didn’t make us laugh but pushes him into trouble and made his fans disappointed. Vidya Balan and team in Kapil Sharma show.
Kapil Sharma is known to be close to his followers and tweet to get them know about his major daily happenings from his paying tax to his upcoming live shows. One of the tweets of Kapil Sharma to Mr.Narender Modi became the nightmare for kapil. In the below image Kapil Sharma tweeted Narender Modi on his paying Rs.15 crore tax though he is forced to pay the bribe to BMC for making his office. Results were comprehended in nothing flat. Kapil semblance transformed from a moral of anti-corruption and cleanliness awareness to being accused of charges and FIR. Sharma is also accused for making illegal transmutation in his flat. On same day of Kapil tweet Maharashtra chief minister
Devendra Fadnavis
Devendra Gangadhar Fadnavis is an Indian politicia >>
asked Kapil to spell out the names of bribe taking officers. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena threatened to shut down the show unless he apologized.
During Kapil show on colors, he cracked a joke on pregnant women delivering a baby on her way when suddenly their vehicle bumped into potholes. This infuriated almost all the women and considered as one of the ungracious acts of all. Two NGOs- Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan and Kaydeshir Wagner protested with Maharashtra Women Commission and asked him a well-grounded explanation and apology. At the same wink, character of Bua and Dadi was also been censurable. Dadi is exhibited drunk which is not the real face of Dadi’s in India.
Rochelle Rao
Born on 1988, Rachel Maria Rao is a popular TV anc >> Read More...
, playing the character of a nurse is being portrayed as flirtatious by a doctor saying her darling. She is wearing short dresses. The nurse and the nursing students in Amritsar summoned for objectifying a nurse image one of the intolerable acts.
Last episode of Comedy Nights with Kapil was never aired due to the brawl between Kapil and colors channel. Colors channel incriminated Kapil for trespassing the working regulatings and charging sky touching prices.
Kapil haspaid 1.25 crore for anchoring CCL (Celebrity Cricket League) but he walked out at last moment showing no concern.
Kapil flaunted on Twitter on payable of 15 crore tax. But as of sources Kapil has been blamed for non-payable of 65000 INR tax.
Sunil Grover played the lead role in Coffee with D. Kapil canceled the shooting of promotion of film due to clashes between them. Later Sunil took the blame himself that shooting stopped on his call.
Chandan Prabhakar was faced to arrogance of Kapil as he repeatedly made him realize that he is on the show because he is Kapil’s friend . Chandan to which reacted its okay if you are Kapil Sharma, but you have no right to talk to me like this. Kapil yelled at him saying that. I will slap you. Kapil and Chandan didn’t even perform together in Melbourne.
Sunil Grover first character as Gutthi was as popular as Dr.Mushoor Gulati presently. Sunil returned to the show even after a bunch of fight between them when kapil show was aired on colors. Later he worked in Kapil Sharma show as Dr. Mushoor Gulati.
Kapil during his flight scene of getting into a fight with his team members shocked the crew members of flight too. He was misbehaving with staff members and asking for more drinks out of limit. He was even on the platform of being tied in handcuff which members do for the mischievous passengers.