This is the show that’s been screwing the bonkers out of its viewers. From the first minute till the end of Season two this show has been making us literally groan with exasperation. Of all those moments here is my top ten.
They made us run around the bush for the whole bloody season and finally we have it. Lila’s killer’s grand unveiling. And it was legen- wait for it- dary. I don’t think anybody thought that it was Frank who had done the job for Sam. He was always the nice guy, sleeping with associates kept aside. Which is why this transition was not something we had ever thought of. Kudos to the writing team!
This was one of the best cliff-hangers that I have come across in the sitcom era. Just when we had found out who had killed Lila we see Rebecca dying as well. Some just smiled while the others groaned knowing they’d have to wait another whole season to know who did it. Then again almost everybody was sure that it was Frank. Well, the show did not disappoint us in any way. Firstly, they revealed the killer in a few episodes and it was not Frank. It was Bonnie. Once again we have the show transforming another good person into a cold killer.
Sam had it coming. I mean anybody who had watched Analise through the episodes would know that she was not one to let her lying and cheating husband rest peacefully. Once she found out the picture of her husband’s penis on the dead girlfriend’s phone it was decided. It was only by chance that Wes did it before her.
When Michaela’s ring went missing the audience knew that that was what would get them caught. Once the police found it in the place where they had burnt Sam’s body it was just a matter of time. But then Laurel hands it over admitting that it had been with her the whole time. Somebody punch her face, please.
Rebecca had been fooling poor Wes after all. The poor fellow trapped in a love haze had ended up lapping up the stories Rebecca had fed him with. Rudy, her old neighbour, helped him learn otherwise. Well, that led to him not trusting her in the end when she was, in fact telling the truth. I guess her parents did not tell her the story of the Wolf and the Shepherd.
Little old Analise, braising herself for a shot to her leg, according to her “plan” and ending up with an almost fatal shot from Wes who had shot to kill. She had to get into his head and make him mad. But I really don’t think she wanted him to fire a shot good enough to kill her.
I admit that it was rather painful to sit through the scenes which showed Little Bonnie being violated by her father. It helped us to shed light on why she was so shut out from the others but then again it was one of the scenes that could not be watched.
The show does it again. Another nice guy turns into a killer. This time, it was no choking or suffocating but simple hit and run and take the body.
Season 2 showed us a once present human side of Analise, waiting for her baby boy to be born but instead, an accident resulted in his death. It is soon revealed that it was connected to Frank turning into Judas and selling out Analise. Frank was one heck of a bad guy, wasn’t he?
The finale revealed to us who Wes’s father was and how he was related to Analise. Turns out, Wes wasn’t a poor kid after all, at least not on his dad’s end. The show ends not only in him being revealed but his murder right in front of Wes. This show really knows to make Cliff-hangers.