Hollywood films are an inspiration worldwide in many ways. By and large, they have touched films of different genres with near perfection. The performance of the artists, along with the technical finesse, is indeed commendable in many Hollywood flicks. And when it comes to biopics, it is indeed a tightrope walk for the filmmaker to do justice to the real life. Here is a list of the best 10 Hollywood biopics, that have struck the right chord with the audience.
The life of the noble-hearted Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic is presented in this flick in a convincing manner.
Tom Cruise
One of Hollywood’s best; Built his name in enterta >> Read More...
, as usual, does an outstanding job. The length of the film is no hindrance since it has a power-packed presentation.
This biopic is inspired by the life of the 1940s middleweight boxing star Jake La Motta. '
Robert De Niro
A legendary actor and one of the most influential >> Read More...
' is just stunning in his portrayal of the champion.
Joe Pesci
Joe Pesci is an American comedian, actor, and musi >> Read More...
, as Robert’s annoyed brother, too had done a wonderful job.
Many may know that John Forbes Nash is a gifted mathematician. Director 'Ron Howard' presented us his talented life that was otherwise hampered by mental illness.
Mahatma Gandhi is no doubt an inspiration to everyone. He doesn’t believe in violence for violence and is a peace lover. And when his ideals are shown in a film in a realistic manner, it should be applauded. Director Richard Attenborough and actor '
Ben Kingsley
Ben Kingsley born in Snainton village of England a >> Read More...
' have given an exemplary work in the biopic Gandhi.
There is a sense of unique composure in this film that draws the audience to it. The kidnapping of Wall Street Journal’s journalist Daniel Pearl, who was later executed in Karachi, is dealt with great maturity in this flick. The performance of
Angelina Jolie
Who will not be stung with her “pouting lips?” Ang >> Read More...
is undoubtedly one of her career's best, and she virtually lives the role of Mariane Pearl. Even the journalist pals, Pakistani cops and security service officials do a great job in this biopic.
This is an epic biopic on the life of the human rights leader advocate Malcolm X. This flick should be applauded for the neutrality in which it handled the subject.
Denzel Washington
Born as Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. on December 2 >> Read More...
gives a flawless performance as the controversial civic rights leader. Even Angela Bassett, Albert Hall and Al Freeman Jr. fit the bill to the T.
Leonardo DiCaprio
He’s one of the most searched icons in the web for >> Read More...
has given a powerpacked performance as the aviator business magnet Howard Hughe, in this Mortene Scorcese flick. The flick is quite engaging despite its flaws.
Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg is an American producer, director >>
is one director who is known for his total lack of inhibition in some of his films. There is some blatant and naïve reality in his flicks. There is long duration, no big stars, black-and-white presentation..doesn’t this sound dull? But this film does an impeccable presentation of the life of the greedy German businessman Oskar Schindler, who surprisingly turns into a man of conscience.
This film, dealing with the inception of Facebook and the deserving credit for its inception, is indeed a topnotch one.
Jesse Eisenberg
Jesse Adam Eisenberg is an American author, actor, >> Read More...
as Mark Zuckerberg has given a performance that would give many actors a run for the money.
The life of talented composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is beautifully presented in this flick. This movie is near perfect regarding direction and acting. F Murray Abraham's performance as the gifted composer, who is in the movie is just flawless. And not to miss Forman's exemplary direction.