Released on 29th April 2016, this movie will show you different kinds of mother- daughter relationships. This movie features Hollywood’s top actress:
Jennifer Aniston
She became a household name in 1994 as she appeare >> Read More...
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson is an American actress who is the daug >> Read More...
, and
Julia Roberts
She’s one of the Hollywood’s heavyweight actresses >>
It’s a 1994 American film based on the novel of the same name by Louisa May Alcott. A story about four sisters raised by their mother as their father leaves to fight on the front lines, in Civil War era of New England. These sisters grow together while battling the hardship of a 19th century America ripped apart by civil war.
This movie includes songs of popular pop sensation ABBA. Watch this movie with your mother as its sweet, funny and filled with music. A bride-to-be,
Amanda Seyfried
She is known to be a singer and model. One of the >> Read More...
reads the diary of her mother,
Meryl Streep
She’s not just Hollywood giant but also a winner o >> Read More...
to solve the mystery of her paternity.
The best Disney movie of all time focusses on the mother-daughter relationship. You can totally relate to their relationship as your own.It’s a beautiful 3D computer-animated fantasy film. Komona tells her child her own story in a rebel army, where her only ally, a fifteen-year-old magician, asked to marry him. As time passes they know each other and fall in love.
Watch this movie, see how everyday teen fight with their mom. It’s all about living in your mother’s shoe for a day with an amazing star cast:
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Dee Lohan is a multitalented American. Act >> Read More...
Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis, also known as Lady-Haden Guest, >> Read More...
. Tess and her daughter do not have a good bond with each other. In a freak incident their body gets switched and they much now live each other’s lives. In this process they get to know each other.
Watch out this revengeful movie with your mom this mother’s day and gossip about everyone. It’s an American comedy film featuring Oscar-winning star
Reese Witherspoon
She’s one of the most dazzling and utmost paid act >> Read More...
. Elle’s boyfriend dumbs her so that he can have a smarter girlfriend as he plans a career in politics. As revenge, she gets enrolled in the same law school and goes on winning laurels.
An American drama film based on the classical novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.The love affair of manipulative women and a roguish man during the Civil War.
The struggle of poor women to raise her kids, will show you the true motherly relationship of all time. Despite all the troubles she faces she refuses to sacrifice her integrity.
When Preity Zinta gets pregnant at a young age, her child’s father as well as her family abandons her. She along with her best friend deals with much taboo of pre-marital pregnancy.
Talking about pre-marital pregnancy, ‘JUNO’ is yet another movie which you can watch with your mom. A 16-year-old got pregnant and decided to keep the baby. It’s quite a life-changing experience.