Kanaka Mahalakshmi, known as Kanaka, is a South Indian film actress who was born to popular Telugu yesteryear actress Devika and Devadas. Actress Kanaka, best known for her pretty big eyes, shot to fame at a young age through her debut film, 'Karagattakaran' opposite Ramarajan in 1989. She was diagnosed with advanced stages of cancer in late January in 2013 and thus fought her battle against deadly disease while undergoing treatment in Kerela. The pretty actress has starred with top actors like Rajinikanth, Karthik, Mohanlal, Vijayakanth, Mammootty, Prabhu.
Her short career span saw her acting in more than 40 films both in Malayalam and Tamil as leading lady. Her last film appearance was Simha Rasi (1999) in Tamil and Kusruthy (2004) in Malayalam.
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Kanaka Mahalakshmi known as Kanaka is a South Indian film actress. She is the daughter of the Telugu film actress Devika and Devdas. She had her schooling in Chennai and Hyderabad. She got the rare opportunity to visit Cinema locations and get the pulse of the industry even in her early teen ages. She was a prodigy even in her school days.
She made her debut performance in Tamil film industry through “Karakattakaran” in which she played the role as the heroine. The movie was based on the Tamil rural dance “Karakattam” in which her performance was exceptionally noted. She got the opportunity to work with contemporaries like Ramarajan, Goundamani and Senthil. It was a blockbuster which ran for more than a year.
After the colossal success of “Karakattam”, a deluge of movies followed. She got unprecedented fan support. “Athisaya Piravi”, “Periya Veettu Pannakkaran”, “Periya Kudumbam”, “Samundi”, “Vellaiya Devan”, “God father”, ‘Seetha”, “Koyil Kaalai”, “Sakaria Devan” and “Koyil Kaalai” etc are some of her notable performance.
In “Athisaya Piravi”, she acted as heroine to Rajanikanth. She acted as a teenager who is in feverish love with Rajanikanth. “Periya Veettu Panakkaran” & “Periya Kudumbam” are comedy movies in which her acting was exceptionally noted.She was also an acclaimed actress in Malayalam film industry where she performed with stars like Mohanlal and Mammootty. Her famous Malayalam movies are “Vietnam Colony”, “Golanthara Vartha”, “Pingami” and “ Narasimham Click to look into! >> Read More... ”. In “Narasimham”, she acted as a supporting actor. She was the main character in “Vietnam Colony”. The films unfold a rare love story about a slum girl who falls in love with a brahmin boy who has come to clear the slum.