Rekha Mohan was a popular South Indian star, who had been working in the Malayalam movie and Television industries. She hails from Kodakara in Thrissur. She made her debut in Mollywood in 1996 with the romantic entertainer, Udhyanapalakam along with Megastar “ Mammootty Muhammed Kutty Ismail Paniparambil is the original >> Read More... ,” Kaveri Muralidharan Kaveri Muralidharan, also known as Kalyani, is a S >> Read More... , Biju Menon The tall, dark and handsome Biju Menon started his >> Read More... and Kalabhavan Mani Kalabhavan Mani is a renowned Indian playback sing >> Read More... . The film was written by popular scribe and director “Lohithadas.”
Udhyanapalakam directed by Harikumar gave her a good start and she had been offered to play a few good films in Mollywood. In 1997, she played in Nee Varuvolam with “ Dileep Dileep was born in Kerala as Gopalakrishnan Padman >> Read More... ” and Divya Unni From her childhood, Divya Unni knew she wanted to >> Read More... . Although she didn’t do the lead roles, she had been offered a decent screen appearance. She was also seen in Oru Yathramozhi in the year 1997, a “ Mohanlal Mohan Lal is the Super Star of the Malayalam film >> Read More... ” starrer. She paired Maniyanpilla Raju Maniyanpilla Raju act is a South- Indian film acto >> Read More... in the film.
After getting married to Mohan Krishnan, a businessman, Rekha was not seen in the film industry. Mohan is a talented business person, who travels all around to keep his business engaging to the clients. After marriage, both of them settled in Dubai.
Rekha and Mohan have no kids. At a stage, Rekha felt bored and returned to Kerala and started to search good roles in cinemas and serials. After her return to India, Mohan visited her frequently. Rekha got an opportunity to play in the serials and had worked in a lot of serials too. Of her serials, “Sthreejanmam” and “Snehasindhooram” are very popular.
In Sthreejanmam, she played the lead role Mayamma. The serial that was broadcast in Surya TV was directed by Baiju Devaraj Bio coming soon... Baiju Devaraj Family Tre >> Read More... , who directed super hit serial, Ente Manasa Puthri in Asianet. Later Rekha’s Mayamma role was continued by “ Chippy Click to look into! >> Read More... .” Meanwhile, Rekha had been offered with a few character roles in cinema.
She had been busy working all the time in serials and cinema. As Mohan had been doing business in Malaysia, Rekha wanted to keep her engaged to avoid loneliness. In 2014, she rented a flat in Sobha City in Thrissur.
Mohan visited Rekha in November 2016 and flew away to Malaysia after a few days. Usually, Mohan calls his wife daily, after she returns from her shooting. After 11th November, he couldn’t contact her. Suspected Mohan called his driver in Kerala and asked him to visit Rekha. As the driver didn’t get any response from her, he informed the police. The cops broke her house and shocked to see her dead, lying on her dining table. When she left the world, Rekha was just 45.