Kanu Bandyopadhyay was the Bengali actor, who has acted both on the stage as well as on the silver screen in various movies. He was born in 1905 in the city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan on 20th June. He started his career in acting with the film Biraj Bou in the year 1934. In this film, he played the character of an amateur artist along with Sisir Kumar Bhaduri, whom he considered as his Guru. His another memorable performance was in 1955 movie Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, a biography of Saint Ramakrishna by Praffula Chakravorty. In this film, be played the lead role of Saint Ramakrishna. He is, however, best known and best remembered for his portrayal of Harihar Roy, playing the father of Appu in Satyajit Ray Biographies reveal bare details about the maverick >> Read More... 's critically acclaimed Appu Trilogy. He played Harihar Roy for the first of the three movies- Pather Panchali (1955) and later reprised his role in Aparajito (1956), it's sequel. These films were vastly successful and brought great acclaim to its cast and turned them from nobody to somebody. Like all the crew members', it was a turning point in Kanu Bandyopadhyay's life as well. For it is believed that if not for Satyajit Ray, this bright Bengali flame would have died without illuminating anything at all.
He was a versatile actor, comfortable both in front of a camera as well as on the stage of a theater. And though he was a big actor now, nonetheless, the latter was his favorite between the two. In 2012, his interviews were released by Sandip Ray Sandip Ray is the only son of Satyajit Ray and Bij >> Read More... , son of Satyajit Ray. These interviews were the ones that he gave to the magazine named Baro Maas These interviews then formed the basis of his memoir that was tilted as Hariharan Panchali. Pather Prem, Saheb Bibi Golam, Pather Panchali, Sather Pradip are some of his other famous works.