Ente Mathavu is a Malayalam show broadcast on the Surya TV channel from Monday to Friday at 8 PM. In this show,a little child is being ignored by all, as her mother has died giving her birth. Her father, too, ignores her, lets her cry alone in a room. But the little child, on seeing Mother Mary and Lord Jesus Christ, always stops crying. Angel’s father has remarried now and has a new family. Angel has a step-sister and a new mother. All of them ignore her. It is as if she has no place,even in the family photograph. But she has her picture of mother Mary and Lord Jesus with her always. Time passes by and now she has a step-brother also. She prays a lot in front of her photo-frame of Jesus and Mother Mary.
Her step-mother brings bags for all of her siblings but not for her. It is as if she does not exist. Even if her father tries to speak for her, her step-mother stops them. A priest is seeing everything and knows something good will happen to this beautiful soul. Angel’s step-siblings go to English medium school while she is in a government school. Angel’s father showers all his love for his new wife and their children. Angel writes a letter to God to help her and posts it. She packs her own tiffin and goes to school by herself. Lord Jesus has planned something really good for Angel. A new inmate shifts into Angel’s neighborhood. A woman named Sarayoo and her mother has shifted in this house.
Sarayoo will work as a postwoman, whose job is to put a stamp on all the letters. She notices Angel’s letter in which she has poured her heart out to Mother Mary, whom she considers her mother. She posts a picture on Instagram doing her new work. She asks the head postman about this letter. She talks with her mother about this letter and is persistent about finding this letter-writer. Meanwhile, in Angel’s house, her stepmom is giving her daughter food by taking it from Angel’s plate. It is Christmas and Angel cannot find her picture of Mother Mary. She asks her stepmom and father about this. But they just scold her. Santa Claus arises at Angel’s house. She is still upset about her lost item. The Santa gives gifts to Angel which is not kindly intercepted by her family. They are jealous that Santa did not give them the gift.
Ente Maathavu was directed by Venu Chelakkottu. It premiered on January 27, 2020. The series concluded after airing its final episode on June 25, 2022. Throughout its run, Ente Maathavu spanned 573 episodes across a single season. Episodes ranged from 18 to 31 minutes long. The show was created by screenwriter Binu K. Punnoos and written by Sinoj Nedungolam Sinoj Nedungolam is a talented writer, primarily i >> Read More... . It was produced by B & L Productions in association with Beegee Communications.