It is a kannada serial which used to air on ETV Kannada channel and got a lot of fame. The story deals about a girl named Deepa which has been enacted beautifully by Bhavya Pawar. The show was originally made in Kannada and Telugu languages thus it used to cater to the audience who could understand those languages. The serial may be dubbed into different languages too. The serial used to air from every Monday to Saturday at 6 PM.
The story starts that young Deepa is a very optimistic kind of a person towards her life. When it comes to rescuing her family from every difficulty and problem, then it is strength and courage which becomes her weapons. Although she belongs to a very poor family and thus the two main problems with her remains are that of hunger and poverty, but she never misses a chance to help her father in accomplishing each and every need of the family. She always helps her father in the financial conditions of the family. Thus the story follows that the journey of Deepa is full of difficulty. It is fate that has filled her life with great turmoil and a lot of hardships.
These problems are to such an extent that she has accepted them as a part of her daily schedule. She had lost her mother at the time of her birth i.e. her mother died giving birth to her thus this was the main reason that made her father angry with her and discards her completely. Hence her father always considered her a bad omen as she was the one because of which he lost her wife, and thus the father emotionally detaches himself completely from Deepa.
On the other hand, Deepa used to do all the household chores and works and used to nurture the whole family like her mother would have done. But it was her mere unluck or may her bad fate that her sister used to take the whole credit for the things done Deepa. Her sister was so clever that she used to take away all the credit and then used to be appreciated a lot by the elders in the house. Later on when she was married to a man named, Karthik, her fate did not change for her.
The same luck followed her when she got married, and it was the same for her as it was in her own house. Thus this tragic story of a girl is depicted fabulously and was liked a lot by the viewers. People used to praise the acting done by the star cast and even the emotions shown by them. The dialogues were well- written and were delivered with full force.