Chandana awards are the awards which are presented to people who excel in their respective fields. The people were awarded by the governor. Governor H.R. Bhardwaj honoured eight people and also one organisation with each one of them with the Doordarshan Chandana Awards. The prizes were given in the recognition of their input to their respective fields. After giving the awards the governor showed his love for Kerala. He also spoke about his love for Karnataka and the Kannada language. He also added that thus during in his tenure when he was the governor he realised that Karnataka is a rich cultural heritage land thus people here are full of different talents in them. Thus he also said that Kannada was a sweet and humble language. And he too used the Sanskrit language when he was speaking.
These notable personalities which were selected by a panel which was headed by the former Supreme Court Judge Shivraj ​Patil have been best in the fields of literature, drama, music, dance, agriculture,folk, health and sports. The award winners given included of poet Channaveera Kanavi, Yenagi Balappa who is a theatre person, vocalist Pandit Panchakshariswami Mathigatti, Dr Asha Benakappa, folklorist Mareppa Mareppa Dasaru, agriculture expert G S Prakash,danseuse Maya Rao, serial producer SS Rajesh and the last but not the least Karnataka State Swimming Association. The Director-General of Bangalore of the Doordarshan Kendra, Dr M Mahesh Joshi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... added that the public broadcasting corporation (Doordarshan) was not struggling with any problem. Thus reacting to perceptions which also compared Doordarshan to a dinosaur, Joshi said that they are the pioneers of the television in India.
Thus the programme was organised by Doordarshan Kendra, Bangalore, Christ University and All India Radio to present the first Doordarshan Chandana Awards. It sought to recognise the help of various artists and writers to the state in their respective fields. Thus taking on all the private news channels, he likes them to the security firms and private detectives. In his opinion, Doordarshanacts like a soldier of the country thus putting on the uniform and representing the people of India. Former Lokayukta Shivaraj Patil, the head of the awards’ committee, spoke that the awards should also have a category for innovators in their field of education.
The rewards presentation service was organised by Doordarshan Chandana in association with Christ Universityand All India Radio. Thus the show was watched a lot by the people which made it get the highest TRP of the channel on that day. The show also included of various performances done by some of the notable people of the industry. Thus it was a beautiful evening and a place full to gather the limelight.