Cheluvige Chitthara is a show which got aired on the DD Chandana channel. It is a Kannada language series which got broadcasted on weekdays from Monday to Wednesday at 3:00 PM. It showed a variety of beauty and grooming tips by various professionals working in the industry. The show got aimed at audiences who wanted to take care of themselves in the comfort of their homes or just didn’t want to spend time and money at expensive salons and parlors. The series covered tips and tricks regarding a number of different techniques which could be easily adapted at home. This includes beauty tips such as how to make a facial kit at home, different kinds of face packs, a variety of hair styles, and using hair add-ons.
In addition to these, the program also shared techniques for manicuring at one’s home, as well as how to use nail polish to make various designs as well as textures. The show progresses on to showing the audience members how they could make things for decorating their home, in addition to personal care segments. The guests who got invited to the show were people who have worked in the art and craft industry and were professionals. Each new episode featured something different and gave the audience members fresh information which could get used easily at home.
The viewers too loved it for its simplicity and the ease with which they could adapt the items shown. It gained popularity amidst the audience base and got followed regularly by a lot of persons. Segments showcasing procedures of making wall hangings, glass paintings, and knitting were also covered. They were relatively cost effective techniques and could get implemented by anyone with even a little bit of creativity. The series also covered segments on costume designing for people who got interested in the domain. This got extended to professionals in the field as well.
Certain episodes got dedicated to indigenous designers too such as those who practiced saree and lehenga designing, among other things. It also featured information regarding specific beauty parlors and what one should look out for. This includes best practices, highlights of popular places, what to expect and what not to expect.
The show became especially famous amidst people who got interested in art and craft and wished to learn something new to do. Especially women who used to sit at home could develop and pursue a new hobby courtesy of the things shown.