Sinndoor Tere Naam Ka was a popular Hindi serial which was aired from March 21, 2005 to April 6, 2007 on Zee TV. It was created by ZULNORAIN Production and completed 526 episodes. The huge fan following of this show resulted it being dubbed to Mandarin to be aired in China.
The show revolves around the life of a mentally unstable woman Vedika played by
Gurdeep Kohli
. She has sindoor phobia. Her sister Niharika forces her husband’s brother Dhruv to marry Vedika. The family relationships, the love affairs of the sisters, and the events in their lives pictured with several twists in the plot forms the theme of the story.
The show was aired in Hong Kong in the Zee Asia-Pacific channel. Before the shooting of an episode in Hong Kong, Zee launched a local talent hunt where the winners would get a chance to act in the episode.