Sachin Shroff is a popular Indian television actor who has featured in a couple of serials in the lead role. He was seen in the serial ‘Sindoor Tere Naam Ka’ that aired on Zee TV. In this show, he played the character of Dhruv Raizada. He plays the protagonist here. The show is the story of Dhruv marrying a mentally ill girl called Vedika, so that his elder brother gets the hand of Vedika’s elder sister Niharika. The rest of the story follows about how Dhruv manages with Vedika and their after marriage life.
‘Saath Phere’ is another serial in which Sachin was seen, here as an antagonist. This show featured on Zee TV and was basically the story of a dusky girl, who manages to keep her head high, despite the society’s prejudices about her complexion.
He has been seen in the show, ‘
Pati Patni Aur Woh
’. It is an adaption from The Baby Borrowers. This was a reality show that put five celebrity couples on a test of parenthood. Sachin appeared on this show with his real life partner, Juhi Parmar.
‘Rakt Sambandh’ is another serial that Sachin was a part of. This show was about five sisters, who are married and the struggles they face up in life, post the institution of marriage.