Entourage is an American comedy-drama serial consisting of eight seasons which has been broadcasted on HBO.This show has been created by Doug Ellin Doug Ellin is an executive producer and creator of >> Read More... . This series has been produced by the production companies Leverage Management and Closest to the Hole Productions. The executive producers for this show were Mark Wahlberg One of the multi-awarded youngest and finest star; >> Read More... and Stephen Levinson. This show is based on Mark Wahlberg’s life experience, when he was a budding actor in Hollywood, and the situations he faced. The first season of all the eight series has been broadcasted between July 18 and September 12 in the year 2004. This season deals with the beginning stages of Vincent chase’s career as a rising star in Hollywood, and the bond between his three friends. This season consisted of eight episodes.
Vincent Chase is an upcoming Hollywood actor, and after his first successful movie ‘Head on’, decides to meet his childhood friends Turtle, Eric and Drama. They all have a chat about their lives. Eric argues with Vincent’s agent Ari Gold, who wants Vincent to act for a new film. Then the guys have a fun time with Turtle’s dog, named Arnold. Meanwhile, some reviews of Vincent’s new movie go negative. Later Eric and Vincent go to Ari’s office, Vincent comes across a singer named Justine, and Eric is attracted towards Ari’s assistant Emily. Vincent is invited by Jimmy Kimmel James Christian Kimmel is a comedian, American tel >> Read More... on his show to promote ‘Head on’. In that show, Vincent tells everyone that he never broke up with any of his girlfriends.
At that time Jimmy calls upon to the stage Foster, a girl whom Vincent dated and broke up. Vincent goes on a date with Justine, Turtle starts dating a model named Tanya. Soon Vincent gets an offer from the new drama series ‘Queens Boulevard’. Vincent and Eric become excited about Vincent’s new offer. Eric turns into Vincent’s manager. Eric and Vincent prepare to go to New York Click to look into! >> Read More... for Vincent’s new project. Before going to New York, Eric gets everything sorted out with his girlfriend Kirsten. Turtle gives them a big party bidding farewell to them. Drama gets a chance of becoming a pilot. The role of Vincent Chase has been played by Adrian Grenier.
He is a Hollywood actor who has acted in more than 20 films. The character of Eric Murphy has been portrayed by Kevin Connolly Born in Patchogue, New York, Kevin Connolly is an >> Read More... , who is an actor and film director. Johnny Drama Chase has been portrayed by Kevin Dillon Kevin Brady Dillon is a Hollywood celebrity, who w >> Read More... , who is an actor and well known for his roles in the movies ‘Platoon’ and ‘The doors’. Turtle has been portrayed by Jerry Ferrara Jerry Ferrara is an American actor commonly known >> Read More... who is a film and television actor. Ari Gold has been portrayed by Jeremy Samuel Piven who is a well-known television and film actor. He has been honoured with the Golden Globe Award and also Primetime Emmy Award for his supporting role in Entourage.There were many guest celebrities, who made a cameo appearance in the episodes of the first season; there were at least one in each episode. This serial has won more than 50 awards and has been one of the top-rated television series.