Ratham is a Tamil crime thriller based film. The storyline revolves around a journalist who goes back to his old workplace after someone murdered his friend. The film is directed and written by C. S. Amudhan. The cast includes Vijay Antony Vijay Antony is an actor, composer and even playba >> Read More... , Aravinth, Sivalingam Babu Sivalingam Babu is an Indian actor who works gener >> Read More... , Arjun Chidambaram Arjun Chidambaram is a Tamil film actor. He was bo >> Read More... , Dayalan, Elango, Sai Gopi Sai Gopi, born Gopikrishnan, is a Tamil TV cum mov >> Read More... , Jagan, Adithya Kathir Adithya Kathir, otherwise known as Kathir's ge >> Read More... , Jagan Krishnan Jagan Krishnan ( born in Chennai) is an Indian sta >> Read More... , Mahima Nambiar Mahima Nambiar was born as Gopika in Kasargod, Ker >> Read More... , Nandita Swetha Nandita Swetha is a South Indian Actress. Swetha i >> Read More... and Remya Nambeesan Remya Nambeesan is a chirpy young Indian actress, >> Read More... . Kamal Bohra Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , G. Dhananjayan, Pradeep B, and Pankaj Bohra are the producers of the movie. Gopi Amarnath Cinematographers are those who work hard behind th >> Read More... handles the cinematography. Kannan Narayanan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... dealt with the soundtrack. T. S. Suresh edited the script.
The story's plot revolves around an investigative journalist, Ranjith Kumar. He is a retired cop and a single parent who works as a horse keeper. He returns to his old job in Chennai after discovering that someone murdered his old friend, Chezhiyan. However, Ranjith soon discovers that it was a murder. Chezhiyan was killed by his crazy fan right in front of his fiancee’s eyes. Ranjith Kumar becomes the investigator for his case. He worked under Madhumita. She was unaware that Ranijth was a celebrated cop. Ranjith discovers that Chezhiyan’s death is related to a large crime network. His death is connected to a large circuit of criminals. He also finds a connection with all the other crimes in Tamil Nadu. It is also related to a hate crime.
Star performance
The main character of the story is Ranjith Kumar. Vijay Antony plays his character. He depicts Ranjith perfectly as an investigator journalist. The balance between the emotions of his character is palpable. He delivered a nuanced performance. He beautifully uncovers the story behind Chezhiyan’s death. Another important character is Sangeetha. Mahima Nambiar plays her character. She plays the role of antagonist. Mathumita’s character played by Nandita Swetha. She is also a cop and played a significant role in uncovering Chezhiyan’s death. Nandita delivered a fantastic performance in the movie. Her presence made the storyline more fun. Other supporting casts like Remya Nambeesan as Chezhiyan’s fiancée, Nizhalgal Ravi as Chezhiyan’s father, John Mahendran as inspector, Riya Manoj as Ranjith’s daughter, Bharani Elangovan as receptionist have delivered a nuanced performance. They highlight Ranijth’s character.
Ratham is a Tamil action-based movie. Ratham, if translated, means Blood. Therefore, the movie is based on hate crimes. The story’s plot revolves around a journalist, Ranjith who solves his friend's murder mystery. It forms thriller story. The pace of the film is perfect. However, the movie’s script is unrealistic. The film has a problematic script but it was relatively easy to visualise.
The main cast of the movie specifically Vijay Antony as Ranijth kumar gave a nuanced performance. The supporting cast have also delivered an amazing performance highlighting the main moto of the movie. The film also have an amazing cinematography. The soundtracks are also enjoyable and thrilling.
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If you love mystery and thriller then you should watch this.