RK Nagar is a Tamil drama film written and directed by Saravana Rajan Saravana Rajan is a story writer and director in T >> Read More... . This film features Sana Altaf, Premgi Amaren A native of Chennai, Premgi Amaren is a multi-tale >> Read More... , Anjena Kirti Anjena Kirti is a well known actress in Tamil film >> Read More... , Karthik Nagarajan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Akash Nath Akash Nath is an Indian television personality who >> Read More... , Subbu Panchu Subbu Panchu is the son of the very popular produc >> Read More... , Sampath Raj 'Sampath Raj' was born on 25 December 1968 >> Read More... , Vaibhav Reddy Vaibhav Reddy is the son of a prominent director o >> Read More... , Pradeep Vijayan, Karunakaran, and others. Premgi Amaren has given the music for this film. The producers of this film are Black Ticket Company and Shraddha Entertainment. S. Venkatesh is the cinematographer of this film. Praveen K.L. is the editor of this movie.          Â
The film starts with a dream sequence where the story’s protagonist is introduced in the most cliché manner. Shankar is a middle-class man who dreams of two wives and a luxurious life, but he claims to have no interest in any of these. He is a tailor and a part-time thug who has no interest in making money or doing anything. Shankar despises rich people, but under a misunderstanding he fell for Ranjini, daughter of a garment business owner. Meanwhile, a conflict arises between Lottai and Manoj, local political leaders. Shankar even after avoiding such affairs gets involved in their fight. The further story unfolds these mysteries.
Star Performances
Vaibhav Reddy’s comic potential is channeled by the director in this film. His underdog presence on screen makes his character of Shankar relatable, though the lack of character development affects his performance. Sana portrayed Ranjini in the film. Though, she doesn’t have any significant role and played the role of Shankar’s love interest, still she performed well and ensured a few funny moments. Subbu Panchu played a supporting role and relished to the hilt. Santhana Bharathi Santhanabharathi is a famous actor, director of Ta >> Read More... and Sampath Raj did their best within their limited screen time. Inigo Prabhakaran Inigo Prabakar acts in Tamil films. And He started >> Read More... as Manoj/Mannu did a decent job while playing the antagonist of the film. The rest of the cast did what the story asked them to.
In this film Saravana tried to infuse a severe political saga with comedy and just how ridiculous this sounds, the end product feels the same. The movie starts with establishing the political rivalry between Lottai and Mannu, then it shifts to two teens who records obscene videos of their teacher and other ladies, then it introduces Shankar our protagonist who does nothing but daydreaming. All this is served to the audience in the early 30 minutes of the film. This shows the lack of efficiency as a filmmaker. After setting up such bold storylines, Saravana opts for comedy to present the middle-class situation and a fairy tale love story between Shankar and Ranjini. It was so absurd to watch Shankar catching Ranjini who fell from the first floor directly into his arms and it doesn’t stop here, he goes on trying a pickup line at such a time. The first half felt sluggish as after establishing such intense plot, director shifts to the humor which is why the film doesn’t feel heavy despite of load of issues it was addressing. Ironically, the director, while showing item songs and objectifying women throughout the film, addresses the need for women’s safety. The second half of the film was nothing but an attempt to save this film, but it didn’t succeed in doing so. Though, the background score keeps its momentum afloat; the film’s songs tormented the storyline of the film. Not only their placement is jarring but the songs themselves failed to enhance the impact of the scenes. The cinematography is fine, but the editing of the film disappoints.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
There is hardly anything that one remembers other than counting the minutes remaining for this film to end. It started on a high note but then dropped down and never pulled back. While trying to do a lot, it fails to justify even the fundamental plot lie of the film. Rather than watching this, you can re-watch any other film you like.
Comedy, Romance
Saravana Rajan
01 Hour 50 Minutes
Vaibhav Reddy, Inigo Prabhakaran, Sri, Sana Althaf, Anjena Kirti
Plot revolves around Comedy, Romance, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Netflix
K L Praveen
Vasuki Bhaskar