“Viswasam,” the film that has Ajith Kumar in the lead role has “Nayanthara” as his pair. “Siva” directs the film and Sathya Jyothi Films bankrolls the project. The first schedule is already over and the second scheduled has been going on. The film has a huge comedy stars including “Vivek,” Kovai Sarala, Yogi Babu, Thambi Ramaiah and Robo Shankar. Besides these people, Bose Venkat and Ramesh Thilak are in the cast. Baby “Anikha” will also be seen in a pivotal role. She has a great bonding with Nayan while playing in Bhaskar The Rascal. The latest update is that there might be something special from the Viswsam team on 3rd August, which marks Ajith’s 26th year in the film industry. It is also expected that the first look posters would be released either in July end or the first week of August. Let us wait and watch if the team surprises the fans!