Vikram’s road show, movie “10 Enrathukulla”, directed by Vijay Milton is ready for the show. Before the release of this Samantha Starrer, Vikram has committed to act in a movie with “Arima Nambi” fame Anand Shankar. He was also grabbed by the Silver Line Productions for their next movie, directed by Vijay Milton. After the release of “10 Enrathukulla”, Vikram has to juggle between two movies. Vikram knows very well to make the hay while the sun shines. When Vikram did movies, twice with the same director, the movies become super hits. For example, he did “Sethu” and “Pithamagan” with Bala and “Anniyan” and “I” with Shankar. Let us wait for the next success of Vikram and Vijay Milton.