“Sarkar” is the 62nd film of “Vijay.” The actor has joined with “A R Murugadoss” for the third time and with “A R Rahman” for the fourth time after Udhaya, Azhagiya Tamil Magan and “Mersal.” Keerthy Suresh joins Vijay for the second time after the “Bharathan” directorial venture, “Bairavaa.” The political thriller film is produced by Kalanithi Maran of Sun Pictures. The film will be distributed by Thenandal Films, who produced “Mersal.” Sarkar has Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Radha Ravi, Yogi Babu, Pala Karuppaiah and Prem Kumar. Varu plays multiple shades in the film and plays the daughter of CM. Pala Karuppaiah is the main antagonist. The film will hit the screens on 7th November as a Diwali special. This political thriller is the highly anticipated film along with “Viswasam” by Ajith Kumar and “Nayanthara” and “NGK” by Suriya Sivakumar, Sai Pallavi and Rakul Preet Singh.