Azhagiya Tamil Magan is a reality show that airs on Vijay TV. It is a unique show brought out by the channel. There are many reality shows about finding the most Attractive, or the most Beautiful, or the most Talented women. But this show is about women finding the ideal man with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives. It literally doesn’t find them a groom but gives an idea of what kind of a man women want in general. The show will be hosted by the beautiful Ramya Subramanian Ramya Subramanian is a very popular TV host and ac >> Read More... who is a famous figure in Vijay TV.
She has also hosted shows like Kalakka Povadhu Yaar, Ungalil Yaar Adutha Prabhudeva, Namma Veetu Kalyanam Namma Veetu Kalyanam is a very unique show hosted >> Read More... , Kedi Boys Killadi Girls and is now an anchor at Big FM 92.7 Chennai. Gone are the days when men dominated this world and women were required to be conservative, shy and timid. Now women have become an equally important part of this society. They have all the same rights as that of men and now play a crucial role in its development. Now Women are independent, self-sufficient. This show is made exclusively for such women. Every week, a Hundred different single women are picked at random. Questions are asked about the description of their ideal man.
Questions like what qualities do they have to possess, their physical attributes, family background and other such similar questions. Every opinion might be different, but every opinion matters. The group votes and decides who the most sought-after man of them all is. Every group needs its own leader who can understand their point of view and speak up when required. That responsibility is taken up by the multi-talented award-winning Tamil actress 'Kushboo'. She leads the women and helps them find their ideal Spouse.
Single men walk that ramp and show off their virile good looks and try to charm the audience. They also perform something for the judges. It can involve anything and everything from Stand Up Click to look into! >> Read More... comedy to singing or dancing or any other skill that the girls find desirable. In this male dominated society, this show is like a breath of fresh air and offers the people a new and fresh TV show. This may not be the kind of show that a family can watch together but more of a show that the adults or married couples can watch together leisurely.