“Vetrimaaran,” the director cum producer has been getting ready for his next film, Vada Chennai with “Dhanush,” Aishwarya Rajesh, “Samuthirakani,” Andrea Jeremiah, “Ameer,” Kishore Jayaram, Daniel Balaji, Daniel Annie Pope, “Pawan” and Sai Deena. The film that has the music composition of Santhosh Narayanan is all set to hit the screens on 17th October 2018. After this film, Dhanush will be seen in Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta with Megha Akash and “M Sasikumar” directed by Gautham Menon. He will also be seen in “Maari 2” with Sai Pallavi and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar directed by Balaji Mohan of Vaayai Moodi Pesavum and “Maari” fame. Dhanush and Vetrimaaran have decided to do one more project together and it will be based on a novel titled Vekkai. After Dhanush wraps up his second directorial venture, he would play in this film. He had already agreed to play a film with Director Raj Kumar.