“Vijay,” the Ilayathalapathi of Kollywood has been busy in his 61st film. The title and the first look posters are supposed to be released today at 6 PM. The film is directed by
Atlee Kumar
, who already directed “
” with Vijay. The film has
Nithya Menen
Kajal Aggarwal
Samantha Ruth Prabhu
as the female leads. “A R Rahman” composes the music and Sri Thenandal Studio Limited bankroll the film. In the latest award function, Atlee said about Vijay, “I don’t have elder brothers; now I got one.” Ilayathalapathi Vijay celebrates his 43rd birthday tomorrow. Some of the theaters in Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka have planned to release Vijay’s hit films on his birthday as a treat to his fans.