” is among the few talented heroes of the South, who exists in the film industry crossing four decades. Sathyaraj did a wonderful job in “Baahubali” and following that the actor had been offered with a few Hollywood films. In a recent interview, the actor revealed that as he is not fluent in English, he couldn’t sign those Hollywood films. It is a bold attempt to state in public that he is not a boss in English, isn’t it! Don’t worry Sathyaraj! Language is not a bar to an artist. You will make a humongous entry into Hollywood as your on-screen daughter
Deepika Padukone
did! Sathyaraj’s latest release, “
Jackson Durai
” with his son “
,” “
” and
Bindu Madhavi
didn’t go well, but the actor is satisfied with his new attempt. Stay tuned for more updates on Kollywood!