“Petta” is the upcoming action thriller of Superstar “Rajinikanth.” The film directed by Karthik Subbaraj has Vijay Sethupathi, “Simran,” Trisha Krishnan, Bobby Simha, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, “J Mahendran,” “M Sasikumar,” Megha Akash, Munishkanth ‘Ramdoss,’ Sananth Reddy and Deepak Paramesh. The music composition is by Anirudh Ravichander. Tirru cranks the camera. The first single from the film released on 3rd December and rocked the internet. The audio launch will be held on 9th December at Sri Sairam College Auditorium, Chennai. The audio launch will be telecasted on Sun TV, the producers of Petta. Sun TV tweeted, “The most anticipated Grand Audio Launch of #Petta this Sunday at 6.30 pm on #SunTV ! #PettaAudioLaunch #PettaAudioLaunchOnSunTV @rajinikanth @karthiksubbaraj @anirudhofficial @VijaySethuOffl @SimranbaggaOffc @trishtrashers @SasikumarDir @Nawazuddin_S.”