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New Initiative By Actor Kamal Hassan

Saturday, September 12th, 2015
New Initiative By Actor Kamal Hassan

New Initiative By Actor Kamal Haasan Kamal Haasan is the most versatile actor that Indi >> Read More... - Advanced Training Program For Film Laborers. The film unions supply a wide range of workers to work skillfully in the film industry. There are nearly thirty five plus film union Associations that include probationary and informal patterns. G. Shiva is the president of AIFEC, who takes essential steps with the strong support of Dr. Kamal Haasan, who is the present chairperson of the Media and Entertainment Skills Council. They have plans to compile a workshop program for three days, by annexing all the film unions to commemorate the Recognition of Prior Learning. This will benefit the work force of 10,000 people, who are laboring in the film industry. In the three day workshop, the participants will be provided with the certificates, after their training. The admirable news is that, to participate in the 3 day workshop, the film union has declared a holiday, unanimously. This holiday will take effect on the second week of November. The Media and Entertainment skills council, ushered by FICCI have assigned to tutor 11.24 lakhs skilled people before 2022. MESC has generated the Refinement Packs for nearly 74 Job titles that are traversing over variegated sub sectors of Entertainment. This is done along with the associated partners from the cinema Industry. MESC has engaged in the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY scheme) and made the registration for more 5000 students throughout India to commence the coaching under several associates.