,” the Kollywood star has been expecting the release of her Mollywood film, Puli Murugan with “
” and “
.” The actress has been in the headlines for her sweet gesture. We all know that Namitha is a social person, who could mingle with anyone, easily. Recently, when she was travelling in her car, she saw a lady auto rickshaw driver. At once, the actress stepped down from her car and praised the auto driver for doing a job that was earlier meant for men. Before bidding a bye, Namitha took a selfie with the auto driver, Dhanalaxmi. Dhanalaxmi couldn’t believe her eyes and asked Namitha that if it is a dream. Namitha replied that there is nothing impossible in this world. She said, “Self-confidence is the best thing in one’s life and please don’t lose it for any cause. You work for the daily bread of your family. I salute you!” Still now Dhanalaxmi couldn’t believe that she had a pleasing moment with the cinema star.