” is an upcoming film scripted and directed by Raj Babu. The film has the star cast of “
Aanchal Munjal
Prakash Raj
, “
Anjali Rao
Chandrika Ravi
. The film is produced the Trippy Turtle Productions of Mannu and Umesh. The music composition is by
NyX Lopez
Vijay Ulaganath
cranked the camera and V Gopikrishna edited the film. The film was supposed to hit the screens on 16th November 2018. The Release Regulation Committee had approved the release request of the team. But, the makers issued a statement today that they couldn’t release the film on the said date, due to the insufficient theaters. As the film
Thimiru Pudichavan
Vijay Antony
, which is not approved by TFPC releases on the said date, Trippy Turtle Productions couldn’t get the theaters and hence they decided to postpone the release. Yet, they didn’t mention Vijay Antony film but said that an unscheduled film.