“Mersal” directed by Atlee Kumar has Thalapathi “Vijay,” Nithya Menen, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Kajal Aggarwal, SJ Surya, “Vadivelu,” Kovai Sarala, Misha Ghoshal, “Sathyan” and Yogi Babu in the star cast. “A R Rahman” composes music for Mersal. The film is all set to hit the screens on Diwali. The film has a lot of specialties and Vijay plays triple roles for the first time. The audio launch of the film will be held at Chennai Nehru Indoor Stadium tomorrow, the 20th August. It is heard that nearly 13 hash tags had been created for Mersal. Twitter India introduces Mersal emojis on Twitter. Besides this, the World Music Awards team mentioned Nee Thaane song as #1 Song In India. Lyricist Vivek tweeted it with pride. “The name is @arrahman
Arr Sir-Vj Sir ruling d hearts. For 2nd time in a row No 1 song in India. After #AalaporaanThamizhan its #Neethanae .”