Following the controversies relating to Superstar ‘Rajinikanth’s plan to visit Sri Lanka, the actor quit his trip and published a press report. In his report, Rajini stated that his visit to Sri Lanka was unnecessarily dipped with politics. Meanwhile, the Vice President of LYCA Productions, Prem Sivasami, releases a Press Report. In that report, he mentioned that a mini village with 150 houses had been designed by LYCA in the name of LYCA Gnanam Gramam. “The houses are built for the people, who migrated to the refugee camp and living there for the past three decades. We requested Superstar “Rajinikanth” to grace the event with his presence. He nodded okay to meet the affected Tamils and to take part in the event. Superstar also planned for a stay of two days and meet the Tamil people in Mullaitheevu, Kilinochi, Vavuniya, Mannar Thirikonamalai and Mattakalappu. But, his visit had been criticized by the people, who play cheap politics. Superstar is forced to an embarrassing situation. We don’t want him to feel embarrassed. We also don’t want to hurdle the welfare schemes and hence we canceled his trip.” The press report goes on like this. Hope, this might satisfy the people, who wanted to hurdle his journey.
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Following the controversies relating to Superstar ‘Rajinikanth’s plan to visit Sri Lanka, the actor quit his trip and published a press report. In his report, Rajini stated that his visit to Sri Lanka was unnecessarily dipped with politics. Meanwhile, the Vice President of LYCA Productions, Prem Sivasami, releases a Press Report. In that report, he mentioned that a mini village with 150 houses had been designed by LYCA in the name of LYCA Gnanam Gramam. “The houses are built for the people, who migrated to the refugee camp and living there for the past three decades. We requested Superstar “Rajinikanth” to grace the event with his presence. He nodded okay to meet the affected Tamils and to take part in the event. Superstar also planned for a stay of two days and meet the Tamil people in Mullaitheevu, Kilinochi, Vavuniya, Mannar Thirikonamalai and Mattakalappu. But, his visit had been criticized by the people, who play cheap politics. Superstar is forced to an embarrassing situation. We don’t want him to feel embarrassed. We also don’t want to hurdle the welfare schemes and hence we canceled his trip.” The press report goes on like this. Hope, this might satisfy the people, who wanted to hurdle his journey.