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Kamal’s Tweet Creates A Trend!

Friday, September 15th, 2017
Kamal’s Tweet Creates A Trend!

Kamal Haasan Kamal Haasan is the most versatile actor that Indi >> Read More... has been active on the social media website.  He has been showing a lot of interest in the politics and also announced that he would float a political party soon. Recently, the court warned the government teachers, who were on strike and ordered them to return to their job. This news fell in the eyes of Kamal and the actor took it to his Twitter and tweeted, “The honourable court warns teachers on strike. I beseech the court to issue similar warnings to those MLAs who desist from attending work.” He also tweeted, “No work no pay only for Govt. Employees? How about horse trading politicians languishing in resorts?” Comments started flowing on Kamal’s Twitter page in favor of him.