” is the upcoming action thriller of
Super Star
.” The film has been promoted well by its maker “Kalaipuli S. Thanu” in various ways. The team has recently collaborated with Air Asia India and promoting the film in two international flights and two domestic flights. Kabali theme has been painted in the airplanes and the flights have started their operation. A-320 Airbus started its operation from yesterday and traveled Bangalore, Goa, New Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Vishakhapatnam, Guwahati, Kochi and Imphal. It is heard that the Kabali theme in the flights will continue even after the release of the film. The spokesperson said that they dedicate the theme to Rajini and his fans all over the world. The company has also planned a special trip from Bangalore to Chennai to watch Kabali film. They had also planned to gift the fans with tees and Kabali themed coffee mugs. Rajini’s favorite food will also be served to his fans during their travel. Kabali is slated for the release on 15th July.