“Ghajinikanth,” the romantic comedy film is directed by “Santhosh P Jayakumar,” the director of adult movies, Hara Hara Mahadevaki and Iruttu Arayil Murattu Kuthu. Ghajinikanth is scripted by Maruthi Dasari. This film is the official remake of Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, a Telugu film featuring “Nani.” “Arya,” Sayesha Saigal, Mukul Dev, “Karunakaran,” “Sathish,” Sampath Raj, Aadukalam Naren, Uma Padmanabhan and Kaali Venkat are in the star cast. Balamurali Balu composed the music. The cinematographer is Ballu and the editor Prasanna GK. Gnanavel Raja produced the film under Studio Green banner. Ghajinikanth seems to be a mixture of films and hence it didn’t impress the people. Only a few comedy scenes worked out well. To know the full review of the film, do visit our review page.