,” who is popular for his performance in Pandavar Bhoomi, made his debut in 1993 with Pon Vilangu. He had played in a lot of films as the hero, villain and a character artist. Ranjith has also got a State Award for his villainy performance. He married
Priya Raman
after sharing the screen space with her in Nesam Pudhusu. They got married in 2004 and divorced in 2014. At present, Ranjith is married to “
.” Now, the actor has joined Pattali Makkal Katchi. He met Dr. “
S Ramadoss
” and
Anbumani Ramadoss
at their residence and joined the party. Ranjith said that only Anbumani Ramadoss has good plans for the welfare of the public and to improve the state to a better condition. Stay tuned with us for the latest cinema and political updates!