” sequel “2.0” is gearing up for the release. Although the shooting had been wrapped up before months, the VFX works are going at a quick pace. This is the first Indian film, which is shot in 3D camera. Earlier, the team announced that the film would be a Diwali release. Later, they delayed the release to next year. It is said that the movie will release on Republic day weekend in 2018. The latest information about the film is that the glimpse of the film will be released today evening. The director of the film, “
S Shankar
” announced it officially on his Twitter. He stated, “Glimpses of what we've been up to ... tomorrow 6pm #2point0.” The film features Superstar “
Akshay Kumar
Adil Hussain
Sudhanshu Pandey
Amy Jackson
Riyaz Khan
and Kalabhavan Shajohn.