,” the film directed by cinematographer turned director “R Krishna” has “
” in the lead role. The film marks the Sandalwood debut of
Amala Paul
, the popular Tamil and Malayalam star. “V. Ravichandran” played an extended cameo in Hebbuli and this is his second film with Sudeep. The film released on 23rd February 2017 amidst huge expectations. While it has been receiving positive feedbacks, Hebbuli has created yet another silent record. The film had 12, 20, 000 views on the first day and this is a stunning record by Sudeep. The first-day collection is expected between Rs. 8 to Rs. 10 Crore. However,
Master Piece
by “
” and
Shanvi Srivastava
has the record of the highest first-day collection.